Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest for beginners in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

Let’s talk all things affiliate marketing, where you can promote others people’s products on Pinterest as a complete beginner. In this guide, we'll walk through the steps to kickstart your affiliate marketing journey, the different affiliate marketing programs and how to use Pinterest for affiliate marketing, even if you're a complete beginner. So, grab your favorite cup of coffee and let's get started!

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1. How do I start affiliate marketing as a beginner?


Starting affiliate marketing as a beginner can seem daunting, but it's simpler than you think. Here's a simple step-by-step guide to get you started:

Choose Your Niche:

Start by choosing a niche that interests you and aligns with popular Pinterest topics. If you already have an audience in a specific niche, I suggest sticking to that niche. This will make it easier to create content that resonates with your audience

Research Affiliate Programs:

Look for affiliate programs that are relevant to your niche and offer products or services that you genuinely believe in. Some popular affiliate programs include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and ClickBank

Read Affiliate Programs Guidelines and Terms:

This is important as some affiliate programs won’t let you join without a website, following or won’t allow you to promote their products on specific social media platforms. Do your research before you move forward and keep in mind about what your incentive or percentage is when you make a sale.

Promote Your Affiliates Products:

Decide how you want to promote the affiliate links, will this be in video format, blog post or through Pins on Pinterest. Then, track your results to see what is working and what is not. Use Pinterest Analytics and affiliate tracking tools to monitor the performance of your pins. Change your strategy as needed.

2. How do I become an affiliate with no experience?


Becoming an affiliate with no experience is entirely possible. Here's how you can do it:

Start Small:

Begin by joining beginner-friendly affiliate programs that require minimal experience. Look for programs that offer support and resources for new affiliates.

Educate Yourself:

Take advantage of the wealth of resources available online to learn about affiliate marketing. There are plenty of blogs, courses, and videos that can help you get started. Subscribe here to get all the free tea!

Practice Patience:

Affiliate marketing takes time and effort to master. Don't expect to see overnight success. Stay patient and consistent in your efforts.

Seek Mentorship:

Follow other successful affiliate marketers or consider reaching out to them for advice and guidance. Joining online communities and forums can also be a great way to connect with others in the field.

3. Can you start affiliate marketing with no money?


Yes, you can start affiliate marketing with little to no money, this is what makes it beginner-friendly. Here’s how to get started:

Promote Free Affiliate Programs:

Look for affiliate programs that are free to join and promote. Many companies offer free affiliate programs with no upfront costs.

Use Free Digital Marketing Channels:

Utilize free marketing channels such as social media, blogging, Pinterest and email marketing to promote your affiliate links. These channels require minimal to no investment.

Create Engaging Content:

Focus on creating high-quality content that attracts and engages your audience. Content marketing is a cost-effective way to promote your affiliate links and the best way to see results.

Optimize Your SEO:

Improve your website's search engine optimization (SEO) to drive organic traffic to your affiliate links. This requires time and effort but can be done without spending money. There are plenty of free websites where you can blog for free, one of my favorites is

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4. What are the best affiliate marketing programs to join as a beginner?


As a beginner, it's essential to choose affiliate programs that are beginner-friendly and offer good commission rates. Some of the best affiliate marketing programs for beginners include:

  • Amazon Associates

  • ClickBank

  • ShareASale

  • Commission Junction (CJ)

  • Rakuten Advertising

Make sure to do your own research based on your niche and select the affiliate program that aligns with your business, audience and ultimately your financial needs.

5. So, What is the difference between affiliate marketing vs. master resell rights?


Understanding the difference between affiliate marketing and master resell rights is essential in order for you to make the right decision in your business. So in simple terms, here is how they differ

Affiliate Marketing:

In affiliate marketing, you promote products or services on behalf of a company and earn a commission for each sale or lead generated through your referral. You do not own the products or have any control over the sales process.

Master Resell Rights:

With master resell rights, you purchase the rights to resell a product and keep 100% of the profits from the sale. You also have the option to sell the resell rights to others, allowing them to sell the product as well.

So, while affiliate marketing involves promoting products as an affiliate, master resell rights allow you to sell the products as your own. Allowing you to add them to your digital library, offers page etc. Keep in mind both come with a set a rules or terms of agreement. The distinct difference is the profit you get after a sale is made.

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NOW LET’S TALK all things pinterest affiliate marketing

So, how exactly can you use Pinterest to promote affiliate products and links, let’s discuss:

1. Can you do affiliate marketing on Pinterest?


Yes, you can do affiliate marketing on Pinterest. Here's how you can effectively use Pinterest for affiliate marketing:

Create a Pinterest Business Account:

If you don't already have one, create a Pinterest business account. This will give you access to Pinterest Analytics and other business features.

Follow Pinterest's Guidelines:

Pinterest has specific guidelines for affiliate links. Make sure to disclose your affiliate relationships and avoid spammy practices.

Create Engaging Pins:

Design eye-catching pins that showcase the products or services you're promoting. Use high-quality images and compelling descriptions to attract clicks.

Pin Regularly:

Consistency is key on Pinterest. Pin regularly to keep your content fresh and engage with your audience. Stay consistent, decide how often you want to be present on Pinterest, 2 to 5 days out the week, 1 to 2 pins everyday. Stay consistent with your strategy!

Have A Strategy:

Pick a niche and start researching the keywords in that niche to create Boards, pin titles and descriptions. Decide if you will use email marketing in your strategy, take your audience to an optin page or a sales funnel. Conversions is the key to success, find a strategy that works and stick with it.

Track Your Performance:

Use Pinterest Analytics to track the performance of your pins. This will help you understand what's working and what can be improved.

2. How many followers do you need on Pinterest to make money?


The truth is that followers don’t really matter on Pinterest but here’s what does.

Content quality:

Pins that speak to your audience but also grabs their intention is key. Pinterest is a visual search engine, pin quality is important if you want to see growth on the platform.

SEO Keywords:

It’s all about Search engine optimization, sticking to keywords that are relevant to your niche. You can search niche related keywords on Pinterest, through trends and the search engine bar. This is important in order to be found by your ideal audience.


This is the most crucial and significant role you need to accomplish in your pinterest strategy. How your audience engages with your pins, through saves, clicks and outbound clicks will help you see significant growth quickly.

However, having a substantial following can also help you reach more people and potentially increase your earnings. There is no specific number of followers required to make money on Pinterest, it’s really all about strategy and consistency!

3. How do I promote affiliate links on Pinterest without a website?


Promoting affiliate links on Pinterest without a website is possible but having a website can really help you scale quicker. Here are some ways to do it without a website:

Create a Pinterest Board:

Create a dedicated Pinterest board for the products or services you're promoting. You can now tag products to your pins using direct affiliate links. This allows you to make a unique pins but gives your audience the option to shop the products promoted.

Create A Storefront

You can still promote your affiliate links and products by creating a storefront like liketoknowit, wayward or with an Amazon storefront.

Utilize Social Media:

Share your affiliate links on other social media platforms, such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. Direct users to your Pinterest pins for more information or directly to your affiliate links.

Follow Pinterest Affiliate Guidelines

It’s crucial you follow the Pinterest affiliate guidelines, make sure your pins are unique and you are not copying and pasting images directly from the affiliate’s website. It’s important to build credibility with your audience, built trust and you will see success!


Unlock Your Passive Income Potential by utilizing a search engine platform that bring your audience directly to you. Pinterest is your key to success and this Ebook walks you through that exact process. No more guessing, start using a strategy that actually works. Here’s what’s included:

  • Step by Step Business Account Setup

  • SEO Strategy keywords for Success

  • Creating Click Worthy Pins

  • Creating a Free Website & Using Other Free Tools

  • Monetize Pinterest with Affiliate Marketing

  • 10 Free Pin Templates & More

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Maria Torres

Promoting Wellness through Interior Design


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