Unlocking the Ultimate Beginner-Friendly Passive Income Hack in 2024: Selling Done-for-You Digital Products

Creating Passive Income in 2024 is 100% possible but can feel overwhelming if you are a complete beginner and don’t know where to start?

I’ve been there! I understand what it feels like to feel stuck at a 9 to 5 job but yearn to create a passive income stream that also provides you with time freedom. Until I finally came across a product that not only teaches you how to start a business but how to generate income online.

In this article, I’m going to give you all the possible ways you can generate passive income as a complete beginner and what has allowed me to start making income without creating anything from scratch. Here’s what I will discuss:

  • What is the easiest form of passive income?

  • How to make $1,000 a month passively?

  • How to generate passive income with no initial funds?

  • Smart passive income ideas?

  • What is a done-for-you product?

  • What is a DFY digital product example?

  • The DFY Digital Marketing Course

  • What is resell rights digital products?

So if you’re ready to make additional income with a passive income side hustle, or leave your 9 to 5 job and you want to know how this is possible having no prior experience, then stay tuned because I have so much to share with you!

master resell rights make money

Whether you're new to passive income or looking to expand your current streams, these tips will help you get started and grow your earnings. So, let’s get into it!

What is the easiest form of passive income?


The easiest form of passive income often comes from activities that require minimal ongoing effort after the initial setup. There are ways to generate income by simply having a large following or large influence.

As a beginner in this space you may not have either of these and that’s ok because thankfully there are so many ways to build an audience and generate passive income.

Here is an idea of some of the simplest ways to achieve this, one being affiliate marketing. By promoting other people's products and earning a commission on each sale, you can generate income without having to create your own products.

Another easy option is investing in dividend-paying stocks. Once you invest, you can earn dividends regularly with little to no maintenance required.

passive income with no initial funds

How to generate passive income with no initial funds?


Generating passive income with no initial funds is challenging but possible. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: Start promoting products on social media, blogs, or YouTube without needing to invest in inventory.

  2. Print on Demand: Create designs for t-shirts, mugs, or posters and sell them through print-on-demand services. You earn a profit for each sale without upfront costs.

  3. Write an eBook: Use free platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing to publish an eBook. You can earn royalties from sales without any initial investment.

  4. Participate in Cash Back Programs: Use cash back and rewards programs to earn money on purchases you would make anyway.

If you want to learn How to Use Pinterest to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing, Click Here

How to make $1,000 a month passively?


Making $1,000 a month passively is a realistic goal if you diversify your income streams. Here are a few steps to help you reach this goal:

  1. Invest in Dividend Stocks: Allocate some funds to dividend-paying stocks. With a diversified portfolio, you can earn regular dividend payments.

  2. Create a Blog or YouTube Channel: Start a blog or YouTube channel focused on a niche you’re passionate about. Use affiliate marketing and ad revenue to monetize your content.

  3. Sell Digital Products: Create and sell digital products like eBooks, printables, or online courses. Once created, these products can generate continuous income.

  4. Rent Out Assets: If you have a spare room, car, or even camera equipment, consider renting them out. Platforms like Airbnb or Turo make this process easy.

If want to learn How to Create & Sell Digital Products, Click here

Smart passive income ideas


Looking for smart ways to earn passive income in 2024? Here are a few innovative ideas:

  1. Create an Online Course: Share your expertise on platforms like Udemy or Teachable. Once the course is created, it can generate income for years.

  2. License Your Photography: Sell your photos on stock photography websites. Each download earns you a commission.

  3. Invest in Real Estate Crowdfunding: Pool your money with other investors to buy properties. Platforms like Fundrise make this accessible even with small amounts of capital.

  4. Develop an App: If you have programming skills, create an app and earn through ads or in-app purchases.

Passive income for beginners

But, If you’re A Beginner With No Experience, Than this is for you


If you are looking to create passive income but you don’t want the hassle of creating anything from scratch. You have heard about digital products, digital courses and but you don’t know how to create one or where to start, than DFY Digital products is where you should start.

What is a done-for-you product?

A done-for-you (DFY) product is a pre-made, ready-to-sell product that requires little to no customization from the buyer. These products are designed to save time and effort, allowing you to start selling and earning income immediately. DFY products can include templates, software, online courses, and more.

What is a DFY digital product example?

A great example of a DFY digital product is a pre-made online course. These courses are created by experts and packaged in a way that you can sell them under your brand.

Another example is website templates that are fully designed and only need your content added. These products allow you to quickly offer valuable resources to your audience without the hassle of creating them from scratch.

Click Here for a great example of a Done-For-You Digital Course

The Done-for-You Digital Marketing Course


Imagine enrolling in a comprehensive digital marketing course that equips you with the knowledge and tools to kickstart your Online business. Don’t just create Passive Income, start an empire of your own by learning all the strategies and skills you need to create multiple passive income streams!

This course covers everything you need to know, from setting up your funnel to mastering social media marketing and business branding. This course is for anyone in any niche, just starting a business, physical or digital.

The best part? You can resell this course to others and keep 100% of the profit. It's like having your own business in a box. No Literally, but wait there's more!

You may have heard about the Master Resell Rights Courses because at this moment so many have come to the market since the launch of the “Road Map to Riches Course” or as they call it now “Road Maps 3.0”.

But truthfully this course only launched my business and was only the start of my passive income journey!

Click here if you want to learn more About the road maps 3.0

Start Selling Other Done-for-You Digital Products


But that's not all. There are websites with libraries of done for you digital products that come with both PLR (Private label rights) or MRR (Master Resell Rights) Licensure.

Whether it's e-books, templates, or software, these products are ready for you to sell to your target audience, again with a 100% profit margin. Your success depends on your marketing efforts, not your product creation skills. The best part is that you may never have to create your own product but you will definitely build the confidence to do so.

This is where the Road Maps 3.0 comes in, the course provides you with the skills you need to market your products, grow your target audience and create a sales funnel that converts. Learn the strategies and then take them with you, wherever you go next!

Read more here on How to find & sell PLR products for free

What are resell rights digital products?


Resell rights digital products are items you purchase with the rights to resell them to others. When you buy a product with resell rights, you can keep 100% of the profits from each sale.

These products often include eBooks, software, or online courses. Resell rights can vary, with some allowing you to modify the product while others require you to sell it as-is.

The Road Map 3.0 comes with Master Resell Rights, allowing you to sell it as your own and earning 100% commision on each sale.



The real magic happens when you combine these two strategies. You can use PLR products like ebooks, templates or worksheets as a freebie or low ticket offer to grow your audience.

Then, you can build your community and sell them high ticket master resell rights courses or products to your existing audience.

Not only can you resell the digital marketing course, but you can also promote other high-quality digital products to your audience, maximizing your passive income potential. I know it's insane!

Sustainable Passive Income


What's great about this approach is that it offers a long-term source of passive income. Once you've set up your systems and attracted your audience, the income keeps rolling in with minimal effort.

You could be earning money while you sleep, travel, or spend time with loved ones and you have lifetime access to the course with new modules being added regularly with little to no effort on your part.


Leveraging Social Media and Pinterest


If you want to take your passive income to the next level, you can leverage social media, and platforms like Pinterest to promote your done-for-you digital products.

With the right strategies, you can tap into a vast online audience and watch your income grow. Don't worry the course helps you to market successfully on both platforms, plus I have some bonuses just for you!



There are multiple ways to generate passive income and there are a couple of great options listed above if you are a complete beginner. But, if you want to learn high quality skills, strategies and techniques that you can use in any niche, to start any business, than I highly recommend the Road Maps 3.0.

As a complete beginner myself, the Road Maps not only provided me with the education I needed to understand where to go next but it gave me the confidence I needed to get started.

The ultimate beginner-friendly passive income hack for 2024 is within your reach. It does not only include one passive income stream but it’s really about learning the skills to create multiple passive income streams for years to come.

By starting with a done-for-you digital product and the right marketing approach, you can create a sustainable source of income without the need for a groundbreaking idea or a massive following.

Start your journey towards financial freedom and unlock the potential of passive income. It's time to take control of your financial future and enjoy the benefits of a life less tied to the 9-to-5 grind.

Your family, your audience and your future you deserves to take this leap! This is a 300 billion industry and expected to double, there is enough room for everyone. So start making your mark!

Take a step back and picture this, You have the power to sell a product you didn't have to create, with no prior experience, no massive following, and no expertise. How is that possible? Let me break it down for you on how all of this is POSSIBLE!


Now let’s talk about the Star of the show! The Road Maps 3.0 Course, yes the viral course that comes with Master Resell Rights. This Course is Viral for a reason and here's why?

Digital Marketing Core : It covers fundamental strategies for online business success, providing essential tools and platforms for business growth. Perfect for beginners interested in diving into the digital world!

Aspiring Community: The built-in community ensures a supportive network of like-minded individuals, fostering collaboration and shared insights. Live coaching and chats posted to help further enhance the learning experience.

Earn 100% Profit: The inclusion of master resell rights opens up additional revenue streams, selling a course that sells itself. Provide your audience with this amazing opportunity to help them build their own online business and profit 100% of the earnings.

Diversifying: The ongoing addition of other languages adds versatility, making it a well-rounded investment for those looking to establish and expand their online presence.

So whats the catch? There is no catch, Purchase the course for $497 or choose a payment plan.

hERE is what you get when you purchase the Road maps 3.0 with me:

In addition to the amazing opportunity to build an successful business, you will learn how to leverage Pinterest & SEO (Search Engine Optimization)!

  1. PIN FOR PROFIT EBOOK - I will teach you how to use Pinterest to grow your audience and monetize the platform by selling you digital products, courses or services on autopilot.

  2. Simple SEO Secret Strategies - Learn how to use Pinterest & Blogging to nurture your audience, provide content that they are searching for and make passive income.

By using Pinterest & SEO strategies you will learn how to stay ahead of the curve and attract an audience that is searching for you and your products! I will help you generate consistent traffic to your offers and avoid burnout!

Click here to start

** Payment Plans are available **

Maria Torres

Promoting Wellness through Interior Design


Unlocking the Power of Pinterest: A Must-Have Strategy for Small Businesses